Conochiloides natans: a pelagic rotifer. Worth mentioning is that C. natans is swimming "backwards", i.e. the foot is in front. This special movement is the result of the orientation of the cilia of the corona. In contrast to some colonial Conochilus-species like C. unicornis or C. hippocrepis the species of the subgenus Conochiloides are solitary, and the ventral antennas are located posterior of the corona. In contrast to Conochiloides dossuarius (with two partly fused ventral antennas) the ventral antennas are partly separated (see image below). (1) |
Conochiloides natans; focus plane on the ventrally orientated separe lateral (ventral) antennas. (1) |
Conochiloides natans; left image: in contrast to C. dossuarius the lateral antenna is divided down to the base.(1) |
Conochiloides natans: two aspects of the trophi. In contrast to Conochiloides dossuarius the tips of the rami are symmetric. (1) |
Conochiloides natans: male specimen.(3) |
Conochiloides natans: resting egg (3) |
Location (6): water reservoir Heilenbecker Talsperre; Ennepetal, NRW, Germany |
Habitat (6): plankton |
Date: 01.09.2009 (1); 19.08.2016 (3) |